Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Module 1-DQ2

Module 1-DQ2

Q The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 suggests that businesses develop a code of ethics. For your FIRST POST review the sample code of ethics of Big Cheese Corporation in Chapter 8. Which of the schools of ethical codes or social responsibility we are studying does this Code reflect? Explain. For your SECOND POST discuss how effective is a code of ethics in preventing unethical conduct? Draw on your work experiences - does your company have a Code? Promotes and/or enforces it? For your THIRD POST explain why in your judgement do humans act unethically?

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In context to the case scenario of “Big Cheese Corporation”, the school of ethical codes or social responsibility that is reflected herein is the, “Ethical conduct of financial Management”. Although, a code of conduct may be screened by individuals as some kind of a threatening document that has been specifically designed to coerce rather than simply promoting any ethical culture which significantly benefits the organization as a whole. Usually, the code of corporate ethics does not really restrict any form of illegal conduct, but it has the authority to throw significant impact upon an employee’s decision. In any instance, if it is found that workers or the employees of the company are already aware of the fact that